Thursday, April 21, 2011

Human-Curated Search Engine Blekko Adds Facebook Comments To Its Search Results

Ever since its launch in November 2010, Blekko has been on a mission to eliminate spam and content farms from search results. The human-curated search engine, which is also known both for using actual mammals to edit search results and for its employ of slashtags for easy categorization, announced in March that it had banned over 1 million spammy domain names from its results. Using a new algorithm it calls "AdSpam", Blekko investigates the quality of a doman's content, as well as the type of ads it includes, to identify those of the lowest quality. Those that don't pass muster get the boot -- which should be music to any searcher's ears.


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Toshiba Regza AT300 -- the 10.1 inch tablet gets a name, Japan release info

Toshiba Regza

Toshiba has finally unveiled their 10.1 inch Honeycomb tablet, dubbed the Toshiba Regza AT300 -- at least in Japan.  It's the same delicious bit of hardware we got to play with at CES, and have seen plastered all over as the Toshiba "Ant".  The tablet packs a Tegra 2 and a full 1 GB of RAM under the hood, has both full-size and mini USB ports, HDMI out, and now we learn it will integrate with Toshiba's other Regza products, like Televisions and Blu-ray players.

The Regza AT300 is scheduled for a June release in Japan, checking in at 60,000 Yen -- or about $720.  That's a bit higher than the previous pricing of $449 - $579 we've seen, but we can't base US pricing on the Japanese model.  No word on when to expect this in the west, but we certainly hope it isn't too far off.  Hit the break to see our hands-on.  [Toshiba (Japanese) via Mobile Burn]

Toshiba Regza AT300 -- the 10.1 inch tablet gets a name, Japan release info posted originally by Android Central

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Natalie Portman's 'Black Swan' Dance Double Sarah Lane on '20/20'

Natalie Portman's 'Black Swan' Dance Double Sarah Lane on '20/20'

Natalie Portman is sidestepping the controversy over whether she did her own dancing in Black Swan -- but her ballet double, Sarah Lane, isn't done talking. On Friday night's episode of 20/20, the American Ballet Theatre dancer stood by her claim that she did 95 percent of Portman's dancing in the Oscar-winning film. Watch the segment below:

In the 20/20 clip, Lane recreates some of the dance moves that she did for Portman in the film, and explains how she was banned from speaking to the press during Portman's very successful Oscar campaign. Most revealingly, 20/20 shows footage of Lane dancing Black Swan's stunning finale -- and then Portman's face being digitally superimposed on Lane's body. The final effect is eerie; it's literally impossible to tell that Portman isn't doing the scene herself. No wonder everyone is so confused.

"This is all me," explains Lane, looking at the footage. "You can actually see my face sometimes. Full-body shots are me dancing. That's why they hired me."

Even the film's editor, who attempted to count the shots to determine how much dancing Natalie did, says he can't really say for sure.

"There are about 35 shots that are full-body shots in the movie," he tells 20/20. "Of those 35 shots, 12 are Natalie, and then the rest are Sarah. But over the overall film, Natalie did a lot more than that... It was sometimes hard for me to tell the difference as the editor, it was so close."

Obviously, Portman worked hard to play a convincing ballerina, and her physical training contributed immeasurably to her performance in Black Swan. And Sarah Lane says she's not trying to get Portman's Oscar revoked.

"I definitely think that she deserves (the Oscar)," Lane says. "I'm just speaking because they're completely lying about the amount of dancing Natalie did in the movie."

Her concern, she says, is that film fans don't understand the lifetime of dedication it takes to become a professional ballet dancer -- because they bought into the story that Portman did it in a year and a half. Lane, for example, has been dancing since she was 4 years old, usually putting in five nine-hour days a week.

"I've been doing this for 22 years," she says. "And to say that someone trained for a year and a half and did what I did is degrading not only to me but to the entire ballet world."

On the other hand, the entire point of a movie is to convince the audience that what they're seeing is real. Is it really a bad thing if Black Swan's movie magic worked a little too well?


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A Review Of The Dukan Diet Menu | Wu Diang Ui

Apr 19 2011

Profile Image of admin

Finding the right diet plan can be very difficult. When people want to lose weight, they often will look toward the latest fad diet that promises quick weight loss without considering that maintaining this restricted diet plan will be impossible to maintain indefinitely. However, the goal of most people who diet is to lose weight and maintain their goal weight indefinitely. They want a diet plan that they is flexible enough to include in their daily life indefinitely. The Dukan Diet menu is one of the few plans that looks beyond the quick weight loss a person is seeking and aims at weight loss and maintenance of your goal weight. Providing a menu that includes all of the vitamins and nutrients required to stay healthy, increase the metabolism, and burn calories often is not the main focus of most diet programs. Most of the fad programs focus on restricted diets that focus on losing weight very quickly. When an individual is on an extremely restricted diet program, they often will lose energy and health as they drop pounds. The Dukan diet takes the overall, long-term health plans into consideration when presenting the over 30 recipes that have been designed to increase your energy levels, metabolism and burn calories effectively. The book spend time educating and training individuals on the effective ways to lose weight and incorporate a realistic exercise program into their daily life without disrupting their busy schedule. The resources and tools provided have been created to promote a healthier lifestyle and help the dieter plan their menu with some flexibility to make eating diverse and interesting. Menus include foods for special events, desserts, breakfasts, snacks, lunches and dinners. The dieter is taught how they can lose weight quickly without giving up the important vitamins and nutrients they need to maintain good health. The Dukan diet does not require that an individual spend money on expensive food programs or restricted diets that are delivered to the home. The foods that you are taught how to incorporate into your weight loss plan are affordable and can be purchased in a regular store. Your menu has enough flexibility to provide you with interesting meals indefinitely. The book provides all of the steps, information and details that you will need to take pounds off quickly and maintain your ideal weight indefinitely while maintaining your energy levels and good health. The Dukan Diet Menu is a great tool that gives an individual the ability to lose weight and have the support and resources they need to keep the weight off. When you are looking for an alternative to the fad diets being promoted, it will be beneficial to compare this diet plan and the affordability of achieving and maintaining your weight with other plans that may not have a holistic approach to weight loss.

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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Tree Care Equipment - Free Blogs ? Home

Planning to have some maintenance on your garden? Make sure you have a plan and the right tools to achieve the results you want. Equipment will be different, depending on whether you are transporting landscaping, pruning, climbing, or. Here it is convenient to everything there is to know device tree surgery:

1. Trolley: trolley used for transporting logs, tree trunks, branches and trunks.

2. Harness: A harness is used to secure a persona piece of rope or an anchor point. The belt can be easily made from a piece of rope. For added security and comfort, however, are professional cabling in a variety of models. The three most popular types of harnesses are string, chest harnesses are sitting, and uses the whole body.

3rd climbing equipment: including

widely used in high intensity activities such as rope climbing, caving, sailing and design, quickly and reversibly connect carabiner carabiner a.Components of safety-critical systems.

b. Ascent and descent: it is a mechanical device for ascending or descending on a rope. They are fastened to the belt with a piece of surgical tape or a loop and cut out and glued onto the rope.

c. Crampons: tree surgeons usually wear special shoes to protect them from slipping.

4th Pruning equipment: including

a. Tree cutting: Tree cutting saws are designed to make it easier for tree. It can often be cutBranches of normal scissors.

b. Scissors: Scissors are hand-held and often considered to shave. They are usually thinner, shorter plants used, although they are used on trees and shrubs can.

c. Lopper: loppers are a type of scissors used for cutting branches and twigs. Their handles can also be reached on the highest branches. They should be treated with both hands.

d. Bowsaws: bowsaws leaves are rough area designated for use of cross-cutting issuesBranches.

5. Landscaping Tools: including

used to model and ax to split and cut wood: a. Axes.

b. Bats: Bats have large, flat heads, which are usually made of metal. You can apply more than a normal impulse hammer, thanks to their size.

c. Divide bat: Mail division are long-stemmed used for splitting wood along its grain hammer. One side of his head like a hammer, the other side, like an ax.

The shopping list is to helpto start. However, if you are not comfortable with any, it might be useful to contact a professional tree surgeon. Better safe than sorry.


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First Listen: Krallice, 'Diotima'

Unrelenting  yet rhapsodic, Krallice's blast-beated epiphanies take black metal to the next step on Diotima.
Enlarge Justina Villanueva/Courtesy of the artist

Unrelenting yet rhapsodic, Krallice's blast-beated epiphanies take black metal to the next step on Diotima.

Justina Villanueva/Courtesy of the artist

Unrelenting yet rhapsodic, Krallice's blast-beated epiphanies take black metal to the next step on Diotima.

Krallice is one of the most thrilling bands in metal: Riff for riff, the group's blast-beated epiphanies demand more of listeners with each subsequent album. Diotima is the band's third record in four years, and that workmanlike ethic has served Krallice well. What started as a vehicle for guitarists Mick Barr (Orthrelm, Ocrilim) and Colin Marston (Dysrhythmia, Gorguts) to apply their insane technical skill to classic Darkthrone riffage is now a fully formed unit, crafting dense compositions that go beyond the band's individual talents to achieve something greater.

Unrelenting yet defiantly rhapsodic, Diotima ? out April 26 ? revels in its many layers. But, for as many counterpoint riffs and rhythmic pummelings as there are here, the compositions are always razor-sharp. It's almost alarming when Krallice briefly syncs into a subdivided machine-gun ratatat in "The Clearing," which, believe it or not, serves as a moment of levity in the bludgeoning darkness.

Bassist Nick McMaster plays a large role on Diotima, lending his deeply philosophical lyrics and death-metal growl to half of the album. The idea of Platonic love originates from Diotima, the female seer in Plato's Symposium. Weaving poetry from Friedrich H?lderlin together with McMaster's own, "Diotima" is the most graceful Krallice track to date. Marston's genteel guitar recalls his work on R. Loren's collaborator-heavy metallic shoegaze project Sailors With Wax Wings, as Barr sounds downright Gothic in his melodic chord voicings. Lev Weinstein's drumming has never felt more musical, often trading hard hits for patient, jazz-like fills.

As if reading my mind, McMasters growls, "Is this the next step?" He's speaking about detachment from physical desire to achieve higher consciousness, but I can't help but point to "Telluric Rings." What begins as a Disintegration-buzzing haze (there's The Cure popping up again in a metal song) turns symphonic. Krallice's songs always seem to have enough parts to fill 20 albums, but "Telluric Rings" has movements. Adapt its ceiling-bursting guitars with strings, its mountainous walking bass with brass and crashing drums with tympani and gongs, and it comes out like the sublime power of Grieg, like the grandeur of Messiaen. This is the next step.


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T-Mobile G-Slate launch date and pricing leaked

Update: And it's official, folks.

Some new pricing and launch date info on the LG G-Slate for T-Mobile has emerged, just a couple days away from its expected in-store availability. The highly anticipated tablet from T-Mobile and LG will cost you $529.99 on contract after a $100 mail in rebate and $749.99 at full retail price. The tablet is set to hit stores this Wednesday, April 20. That $529.99 pricing is the same number we saw a few weeks ago. Not surprising, but this is also the same day as the T-Mobile event coming up this Wednseday night in New York City (we'll be there!).

But the new G-Slate isn't the only new Android powered device we'll see this Wednesday. The G2X, T-Mobile's first dual-core powered phone, and the Sidekick 4G will also launch this Wednesday. The Sidekick on contrant will set you back $99.99 after a $50 mail in rebate on a new two year contract. If you don't want to do the contract thing, the phone will cost you $379.99. As for the G2X, the 3D powered cell phone on contract will be $199.99 after a $50 mail in rebate. And again, if you don't do the contract thing, it's gonna cost you $499.99. Whooo... okay, now who's getting what this Wednesday? [TmoNews]

T-Mobile G-Slate launch date and pricing leaked posted originally by Android Central

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Indie Truckers: Keep Big Brother Out Of My Cab

Trucker Terry Button is opposed to onboard trucker monitors that would be able to detect when his truck is in motion. "I can't think of anything good that would come from this. If I could, I would tell you honestly, and I can't," he says.
Maggie Starbard/NPR

Trucker Terry Button is opposed to onboard trucker monitors that would be able to detect when his truck is in motion. "I can't think of anything good that would come from this. If I could, I would tell you honestly, and I can't," he says.

Terry Button is a fifth-generation farmer from upstate New York who also works as a long-distance trucker, hauling hay and produce up and down the East Coast.

When I'm away from home, this is my home. Does somebody come in your front door and decide, 'I want to plug into your computer and see where you've been today'?

He's proud of his truck and likes it just the way it is. Inside, the cab is homey and low-tech, with a bed behind the two seats and a CB radio. There's no cruise control and no GPS telling him where to go.

"Canada is that way, Boston is that way, California is that way, Florida is that way," Button jokes. "I can figure out how to get there. I don't need a little box on the dash, telling me, 'Turn left, turn right.' "

But if a new rule proposed by the Department of Transportation goes through, Button will be required to have a high-tech little box on his dashboard ? one that's hooked up to his engine ? to automatically record how many hours he drives.

"I can't think of anything good that would come from this. If I could, I would tell you honestly, and I can't," says Button. He cares a lot about safety but thinks the proposed new rule would be a mistake.

Tracking Truckers

Paper log books, like this one used by trucker Terry Button, can be purchased at truck stops for as little as $1.49. Electronic monitors can cost more than $1,500.
Enlarge Maggie Starbard/NPR

Paper log books, like this one used by trucker Terry Button, can be purchased at truck stops for as little as $1.49. Electronic monitors can cost more than $1,500.

Maggie Starbard/NPR

Paper log books, like this one used by trucker Terry Button, can be purchased at truck stops for as little as $1.49. Electronic monitors can cost more than $1,500.

The device would be a new way to track how well truckers stick to the federal limits on driving hours that exist to keep dangerously tired truckers off the road. Such driving restrictions have been around since the 1930s, and truck drivers document all of their working hours in daily log books. Currently, they are supposed to work for no more than a 14-hour stretch, and only 11 of those hours can be driving hours.

But safety advocates have long argued that these handwritten logs are so easy to fake that they're a joke, noting that they're sometimes referred to in CB slang as "comic books," and that drivers can just lie on the logs and work far more hours.

"Tired truckers are a major, major safety problem," says Jackie Gillan of the Advocates for Highway and Auto Safety in Washington, D.C. Her group has been urging the government to require electronic onboard recorders for more than 15 years. "Paper log books are easily manipulated. They are easily falsified."

Concerns Over Monitors

Historically, large trucks have been involved in about 10 percent of highway fatalities. And although it's hard to measure exactly how many crashes are caused by overtiredness, one government study found that in 13 percent of large truck crashes, fatigue was a factor.

We have the technology to solve a problem. Why wouldn't we do it? This rule is way overdue and its time has come, and we have the technology to really address a serious safety problem.

"We have the technology to solve a problem. Why wouldn't we do it? This rule is way overdue and its time has come, and we have the technology to really address a serious safety problem," Gillan says. "There is no question that that is going to advance enforcement, and there is no question that it will also result in safer trucking."

But some people do question that. Todd Spencer is executive vice president of the Owner-Operator Independent Drivers Association, which has around 150,000 members ? many of them truckers who own just one truck, like Terry Button. Spencer says this technology cannot detect a trucker who is tired, or catch a cheater who is working too many hours.

"The only thing that it will automatically record is when a truck is moving," Spencer says.

When the truck isn't moving, the device will have no idea whether the trucker is truly off duty and asleep, or awake and doing work like loading or unloading. "It will depend on a driver actually inputting that data," Spencer says. "And that's no different than what you would do with a paper log."

To him, the main difference is cost. He says independent truckers generally do their job for $40,000 or less a year ? they can buy a paper log book at truck stops for as little as $1.49. But putting in an electronic monitor can cost from $1,500 to $2,000.

Why so much? The gizmos on the market do a lot of things beyond recording a driver's hours ? things like tracking a truck's location and letting a dispatcher communicate with a driver. These multipurpose units were designed to help trucking companies manage big fleets, to help them be more efficient so they can make money.

For that reason, they're becoming increasingly popular ? and resistance to the idea of a government mandate is crumbling.

Driven By Safety

This month, an industry group called the American Trucking Associations, which represents thousands of trucking companies, dropped its longstanding opposition to mandatory electronic logging and came out in favor of the idea.

And some big companies are now actively promoting electronic logging, with five major companies coming together to form a group called the Alliance for Driver Safety and Security. It's lobbying Congress to pass a law requiring electronic logging, to make sure the proposed DOT rule goes through.

"These companies wanted some action, and wanted it now, and wanted to push for legislation," says Bill Vickery, spokesman for the alliance. "The best way to get action in Washington is to push for legislation."

Current laws say that truckers are not supposed to work for more than a 14-hour stretch; only 11 of those hours can be driving hours. Advocates of electronic truck monitors say the technology could help reduce highway accidents.
Enlarge Maggie Starbard/NPR

Current laws say that truckers are not supposed to work for more than a 14-hour stretch; only 11 of those hours can be driving hours. Advocates of electronic truck monitors say the technology could help reduce highway accidents.

Maggie Starbard/NPR

Current laws say that truckers are not supposed to work for more than a 14-hour stretch; only 11 of those hours can be driving hours. Advocates of electronic truck monitors say the technology could help reduce highway accidents.

"We don't want to be defined by the worst in our industry," says Don Osterberg, senior vice president of safety for Schneider National, one of the companies in that alliance. "We just think we need to elevate the expectations and the performance of all motor carriers."

But Spencer, from the independent owner-operator drivers' group, dismisses that argument. "When they talk about leveling the playing field, what they are really saying is we need to get behind efforts that will increase costs of our competitors," Spencer says. "We don't find that to be an especially noble effort."

The costs will hit independent truckers like Button the hardest. And Button says they have objections beyond just the increased cost, saying it's like having Big Brother come into their cabs to monitor their behavior.

"When I'm away from home, this is my home," Button says. "Does somebody come in your front door and decide, 'I want to plug into your computer and see where you've been today'?"

Button says he personally can't see how it will improve safety ? as far as he's concerned, that's controlled by the person behind the wheel.


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Carbon Goes Wild: The Global Warming Story

Well, it's that time of year. Friday is Earth Day, and this is the week that some of us pause to ponder the health of our planet (while others of us spend the week yelling at the people who are pausing to ponder the health of the planet). Being a pauser, not a yeller, I thought I'd spend this week sharing with you, especially the younger set of you, a series of cartoon essays about ... carbon. Why carbon?


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Get to know the behavior of the carbon atom.

"Water may be the solvent of the universe," writes Natalie Angier in her classic introduction to science, The Canon, "but carbon is the duct tape of life."


It's everywhere. As I say in this first of these five videos ? we'll do one each day this week, so tell the kids if they're interested ? when we examine any living thing, big, little, teensy weensy or, like viruses, even teenier than teensy weensy, we always find carbon.

Carbon's special skill is its extraordinary ability to bond with other atoms. It's just about the friendliest element in the periodic table, always grabbing and holding onto other atoms, which is why it is so suited for life. Living things come in so many shapes ? blades of grass, enormous whales, spirally vines, single-celled dots ? and carbon can make them all. It forms sheets, curls, loops, chains, spheres; whatever you need, carbon provides.

But carbon's strengths, as we shall see later in the week, can come back to haunt us.

Global warming, we argue in these cartoons, is a reflection of carbon's atomic personality and its molecular structure, which is to say that one reason we have a global warming problem is that carbon ... how can I put this? ... likes to party.

OddTodd is a nom de cartoon of a guy who has been my drawing partner for many, many years; his work can be seen at; his mind is on display at (Very serious people think twice before visiting.)


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Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Unity Corporation releases Xtion Pro PC motion sensor in Japan

We're still waiting for some specific US launch details for the Xtion Pro and Wavi Xtion motion sensors that ASUS showed off at CES earlier this year, but it looks like folks in Japan can now already get their hands on half of that duo. Unity Corportation has just announced that it's releasing the Xtion Promotion sensor (complete with an SDK) in the country for ¥19,980, or roughly $240. That should work similarly to a Kinect considering that PrimeSense is responsible for much of the technology behind it, although you should be aware that this one is aimed squarely at developers looking to create their own games and applications for it. You'll have to wait for the more consumer-friendly Wavi Xtion for something that you can simply plop down in your living room.

Unity Corporation releases Xtion Pro PC motion sensor in Japan originally appeared on Engadget on Sat, 16 Apr 2011 04:36:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Bravo users, rejoice! Your Froyo update is now live

Good news for all you Bravo users out there, as Moto's got a software upgrade that bringing you up to Android 2.2 Froyo.

Update 37.4.0 brings all of the stock Froyo goodies, like Adobe Flash, Apps2SD, Wi-Fi hotspot, and USB tethering, but Mototola's also got you covered with some Bravo-specific additions, such as:

  • Profiles: Added profiles feature that provides three customizable sets of home screens to give you access to the apps, shortcuts, and widgets you want, when you need them.
  • Dialer Search: Phone numbers and contacts can now be searched from the dialer screen by entering the first few letters of the contact’s name or first few digits of the contact’s number.
  • LinkedIn: LinkedIn® social network accounts can now be added to integrate with contacts, social networking updates, and messaging.
  • Security: Added new security features, including Exchange-based encryption and password security.

Anyone get the update yet? If so, how's it working for you? Make sure to let sound off in the forums or comments and let us know how Froyo is treatin' ya.

For everyone else, installation instructions are after the break. [Motorola]

Bravo users, rejoice! Your Froyo update is now live posted originally by Android Central

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Monday, April 18, 2011

Gwyneth Paltrow On Tradition, Family And Duck Ragu

Gwyneth Paltrow is an actress, singer, lifestyle blogger and now cookbook author. My Father's Daughter is a collection of recipes from Paltrow's kitchen, along with stories from her life.
Grand Central Publishing

Gwyneth Paltrow is an actress, singer, lifestyle blogger and now cookbook author. My Father's Daughter is a collection of recipes from Paltrow's kitchen, along with stories from her life.

Gwyneth Paltrow doesn't have to cook. She's a movie star. Her mother, Blythe Danner ? a formidable actress herself ? much preferred the stage to the kitchen. But Paltrow's father thrived there.

Bruce Paltrow was a producer and director, mostly of TV hits such as St. Elsewhere. He was also a father who doted on his daughter ? until he died, suddenly, nine years ago when he was just 58.

Now, Gwyneth Paltrow has a cookbook called My Father's Daughter, celebrating family and togetherness, as the subtitle puts it. Paltrow's passion for cooking began when she was a very young aspiring actress and found herself joining her father in the kitchen.

"I started to learn how to cook with him," she tells Morning Edition's Renee Montagne. "And it was something that we did together. We were so often side by side in the kitchen, just quietly chopping or whisking. It's a very physical memory that I get of him when I'm in the kitchen; it's almost like I can feel him standing behind me."

My Father's Daughter: Delicious, Easy Recipes Celebrating Family & Togetherness
By Gwyneth Paltrow
Hardcover, 272 pages
Grand Central Life & Style
List Price: $30
Read An Excerpt

Paltrow explains that her father came from a big family, and mealtime was an important part of communication.

"He came from a house where the family dinner was very, very important," Paltrow says. "Every night my grandfather would have the whole family at the table at 6 to eat dinner all together, and my grandmother would cook, and they would all chat and it was their family time. He didn't grow up with a lot of money, so when he could afford to go out to restaurants and take us, he was so excited, and I think that's where I got the idea that food is very special and exciting."

My Father's Daughter features several recipes inspired by Bruce's kitchen experiments, including "Bruce's World-Famous Pancakes." Though the recipe is quite traditional ? flour, buttermilk ? Paltrow says her father's version was always just a bit better than others she tried.

"They are honestly the best pancakes," she laughs. "They are thin, they're tangy. They're not these giant fluffy things. I think what made them world-famous is, well, everyone loved the taste of the pancakes, but it became such a thing that he would cook for all of us and our extended family. It was almost about the experience as much as the pancakes themselves."

In the cookbook, Paltrow offers some healthier alternatives to her family recipes. For example, she provides an alternative to her mother's blueberry muffin recipe that includes soy milk instead of whole milk, and vegetable oil in place of butter.When asked if her version tastes better, however, she demurs.

"No, no, it doesn't," she admits. " Nothing tastes as good as my mother's super-fattening, sugary, blueberry muffins. [Mine] taste pretty good. But you can't beat the butter and sugar, let's face it."

Some of the recipes in My Father's Daughter feature foods that Paltrow herself does not eat ? she doesn't eat red meat, for example, but she decided to include her family's brisket, as she has such fond memories of the dish from childhood.

Gwyneth Paltrow promotes her new book April 14 at Barnes & Noble on 5th Avenue in New York City.
Slaven Vlasic/Getty Images

Gwyneth Paltrow promotes her new book April 14 at Barnes & Noble on 5th Avenue in New York City.

"Basically, we grew up having brisket," she says. "It's the pride of the Jewish mother, to have her version of brisket. So even though I don't eat red meat anymore, I loved brisket, and I thought, we have to include it in the book. So I started doing research and asking all the women in my family ... and it seemed that the secret ingredient was rubbing it with Lipton onion soup mix. I thought, let's do it a little more homemade than that."

Though the cookbook is already a best-seller, the public perception of Paltrow has not always been that of a culinary queen. In fact, she was famous for her limited macrobiotic diet around the time she won an Academy Award for Shakespeare in Love in 1998. She says she was dieting that way as a response to her father's throat cancer diagnosis.

"When he was diagnosed with cancer, it was my absolute worst nightmare. And I thought, gosh, he's got to eat healthy. So I started doing all this research into how people allegedly cure themselves through macrobiotics and very healthy diets," she says.

"I was hoping he would adapt some of these principles in the hopes that it would help his health, but he was pretty resistant. I think he equated sugar and caffeine with being healthy. So by proxy, I thought, I'll get really healthy, and somehow that will make him healthier. It didn't work, but I tried."

Paltrow says every recipe in the book has a personal connection to her past, but none so poignant as that for duck ragout. The dish brings up the memory of the last great conversation she had with her father before his death.

"We were in Italy," she muses. "We had gone to Italy for my 30th birthday, and my present from my dad was that we were going to have a road trip through Tuscany and Umbria, and on the first night we went to this little town called Cortona, and he wasn't feeling well. I didn't know how unwell he actually was feeling, but we took a walk up the little cobblestone streets and we went to this little trattoria and we had duck ragu, and we had this incredible night where he really opened up. We had a heart to heart. It was our last ... our last conversation in a way, because it became about doctors and all of that after that night."

She continues: "If you could write your perfect last conversation with the person that you love most in the world, it would have been that night."

"Duck Ragu" from My Father's Daughter by Gwenyth Paltrow.
Grand Central Publishing

"Duck Ragu" from My Father's Daughter by Gwenyth Paltrow.

April 15, 2011

Duck Ragu

One year i was given a birthday present I'll never forget ? a cooking lesson from Jamie Oliver. He came over and showed me how to make one of my favorite and most sentimental dishes ? duck ragu. His recipe had more of a Moroccan bent with raisins and oranges, and it was magical. Over the years the recipe has become it's own thing in my kitchen, but the roasting technique is all Jamie. I think this may just be my favorite recipe in the whole book. The gremolata topping, while optional, takes it to another level.

1 organic large duck, washed and dried

3 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil

Coarse salt

Freshly ground black pepper

4 slices duck bacon, finely diced

1 medium yellow onion,peeled and finely diced

2 medium carrots, peeled and finely diced

2 medium stalks celery, finely diced

5 cloves garlic, peeled and minced

2 5-inch sprigs fresh rosemary, stems discarded and leaves finely minced

3 14-ounce cans whole peeled tomatoes with their juice

1 cup Italian red wine

1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons tomato paste

1 pound pappardelle (fresh or dried)

Gremolata Bread Crumbs or freshly grated Parmesan cheese, for serving

Preheat the oven to 350?F.

My Father's Daughter: Delicious, Easy Recipes Celebrating Family & Togetherness
By Gwyneth Paltrow
Hardcover, 272 pages
Grand Central Life & Style
List Price: $30

Trim off excess skin from the opening to the duck's cavity and from the back end. Rub the entire duck with 1 tablespoon of olive oil and sprinkle liberally with salt and pepper, inside and out. Roast it for a total of 2 hours, flipping it from its back to its breast (and vice versa) every 1/2 hour. Let it cool in the pan until you can handle it. Drain off the fat and either discard or reserve it for another use, such as roasting potatoes.

While the duck is roasting, heat 2 tablespoons of olive oil in a Dutch oven over medium-high heat and add the duck bacon. Cook for 5 minutes,stirring occasionally, or until starting to crisp. Add the onion, carrots, celery, garlic, and rosemary, turn the heat down to low, and cook, stirring occasionally, for 15 minutes, or until softened. Add the tomatoes and their juice and put 1/2 cup water into one can, swish it around to get all the tomato stuck to the sides, pour into the next can, and repeat again with the third. Add the tomato water to the Dutch oven along with the wine, a good grind of pepper, and a healthy pinch of salt. Bring to a boil and then turn the heat down very low and let simmer for 1 hour and 15 minutes.

After the duck has cooled down a bit, remove and discard the skin andbones and shred the meat. Fold the duck meat into the ragu along with the tomato paste and cook on very low heat, uncovered, for at least 1 hour and up to 4, adding splashes of water if necessary to keep it from drying out (continue to season with salt and pepper as you splash).

To serve, cook the pasta, divide it among bowls, and spoon a generous amount of duck ragu over the pasta. Top with the Gremolata Bread Crumbs or Parmesan.

Serves: 4?6; Active preparation time: 50 minutes; Total preparation time: 4?5 hours

Gremolata Bread Crumbs

2/3 cup fresh bread crumbs, toasted and coarsely ground

Zest of 2 lemons

1 1/2 tablespoons finely chopped fresh parsley

Small pinch of coarse salt

Toss everything together.

Yield: 1 cup; Total preparation time: less than 5 minutes


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Cisco's Cius Android tablet now orderable, requisite 'field representative' still MIA

Cool your jets, buster -- Cisco's still no closer to rejoining the consumer realm. If you'll recall, this here Android tablet was actually introduced at the front-end of the year, but it remains one for the business sect. Rivaling the PlayBook as the working man's tablet, the Cius is now orderable through your Cisco field representative and / or authorized Cisco channel reseller. Of course, tracking him / her down on a Friday is another thing entirely, but you can expect the first shipments to go out "this month." Excited? Jazzed? Bubbling over? You betcha.

Cisco's Cius Android tablet now orderable, requisite 'field representative' still MIA originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 15 Apr 2011 13:38:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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