Thursday, July 26, 2012

Complicated money issue- Cancer and cars are expensive

Old Today, 05:48 PM ? #1 (permalink)

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I could really use some advice on how to handle money issues with my husband. He is a teacher and makes around $30,000 a year. I am on disability for brain cancer and get $8,400 a year, so $700 a month. Our rent is $650 a month and I contribute $200. He pays for the internet and electricity. We each buy our own groceries. So I pay the $200 for rent, $90 in student loan repayment, $40 in car insurance, and various medical bills each month, leaving me with just enough for groceries and gas. I have a 1996 car that needs about $600 in work to pass inspection, which I cannot afford. My husband just bought himself a new car. He also came home with 2 new pairs of shoes and new jeans the other day. I can't remember the last time I had money to spare on new shoes and clothes. So I know he's not in the hole. He also just spent another $700 on his new car to get some parts replaced. I told him I cannot afford to put $600 into my car for it to pass inspection. He said he will pay for it now but would like me to pay him $50 dollars a month for it. I told him that would leave me with even less to pay for my basic needs like groceries. If I was healthy and had enough money coming in to buy myself whatever I wanted and he needed my help, I would pay for whatever I could cover and not think twice about asking him to pay me back. I have brain cancer, but I look healthy on the outside. My hair is all grown back and I am able to function fairly normally. However, I do not feel ready to go off of disability, lose my health coverage from medicare, and try to find a full time job that will offer me full coverage and flexible hours if I become sick. Plus, who the heck is going to want to offer a full time position with full health coverage to a girl with brain cancer? I think he see's that I look okay and therefore thinks I should be able to go out and bring in all the money I need to cover unexpected car bills. He said that he is doing a lot to help me out. Really, all he does is pay the whopping $450 in rent and 20 something for internet and the electricity. The rest is spent on himself. He has never paid my medical bills. This is just really getting my goat and making me look at him in a not so loving way. Am I being out of line for being turned off that he won't pay for my ghetto car to be fixed? Also, he's a 35 year old man that is still renting a house because he can't commit to a mortgage payment. That seems kind of immature. Like he has a bachelor mindset when it comes to money. I could use some different perspectives on this!

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