Friday, June 17, 2011

The Real You - Meeting With Yourself

When you were born you were born with some inherent qualities like Creativity, Imagination, Joy, Modesty, Honesty, inner Peace, Patience, Love and Satisfaction.

But when you started creating beliefs and behaviors based on your observations and experiences, you started developing some negative qualities such as Jealousy, pride, greed, Ego, restlessness, dishonesty, anxiety, Dissatisfaction, conditional love and Rejection. You have spent as many years developing these beliefs and behavior patterns as your age and therefore you always feel trapped in this pattern which is not your own. You always feel that this trap is very strong.

Whenever you face a situation, you always respond according to your learnt and created behaviors, most of them are negative. Therefore you feel very sad that you have lost your control on your actions and you are driven by your created beliefs.

But you can be happy knowing that you can get rid of all the created beliefs and behaviors based on observations and experiences. As you will realise that these beliefs and behaviors are not your own, it will make you free of all the traps and let you respond, react and reply according to your inner will. So, now is the time to remove the loads of beliefs and behaviors which you have developed for years, as you understand that these are artificial and borrowed behaviors and beliefs, these are not your own. You are carrying load of others.

The moment you will start removing this load one by one, you feel lighter and this will give you an opportunity to know yourself. You lost yourself in the childhood and the way you react today is not your way of reaction.

If you follow the above process, most of your beliefs which are negative and are not yours will be removed from your body and you will feel happy and free from negative thoughts. You will feel that you are now yourself and not a created image of others. You will feel as if now you can act according to your will. Now, you can know the real goals and directions of your life. You are free of your past unwanted beliefs and behavior patterns.

You are happy that you can now know yourself and feel confident and happy that you are free from traps and free to act according to your will, All created negative beliefs are gone far away and they cannot return, You have found yourself and you can see yourself now who has all the positive qualities which were there when you were born.

You are free are happy, you are in peace, you are totally aware of your life goals, you love everyone you see, you trust everyone and you want good of everyone ... you are liberated ...

Warm Regards

Kawaldeep (Ricky)

Kawaldeep is a spiritualistic person working as Quality Manager in MNC. His is interested in demystifying the riddle of 'Purpose of Existence. This is only possible by gaining company of enlightened souls.

For further enlightenment, please read below articles at:


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